Frequently Asked Questions

How long is an appointment?

Each appointment is roughly 1.5 - 2 hours long depending on group size and design requests

How soon should I arrive ?

You should arrive 15 minutes before your session to avoid being late or having your session cancelled.

Can I bring my own hat?

No, you may not bring an outside hat at this time.

Is there a grace period if we are late?

Every group is given a grace period of 15 minutes before we will have to cancel your session due to design time and running over the scheduled time.

Can we drink during our session?

Yes! You can order drinks from our bar and enjoy them while you customize your hat.

Can I reorder my hat?

Absolutely! We keep a file on every hat design. Be sure to name it so we can find it!

Can I order someone else's hat?

Yes you can order someone else's hat if you see a design you like on social media or our website.

How far will you travel?

We can travel roughly 200 miles from Nashville. There will be a fuel surcharge as well as other fees associated that will be negotiated

Do I need a reservation to come in?

We highly recommend making a reservation to ensure we can serve you. While we do take walk-ins where there is availability, we cannot guarantee service without a reservation.

How much does it cost?

Please see our services page

Will I be making the hat myself?

You'll provide the inspiration and creative direction, but our trained techs will be physically making the hats for you. So you get to hang out and relax and let us do all the work!

Do you offer off-site services?

Yes please see our services page or contact us for more information.

Does the hat bar experience have an age limit?

Honky Tonk Party Shop is for everyone of all ages. Anyone under 18 is required to be accompanied by a guardian or parent.

Do you accept tips?

Tips are always greatly appreciated, but not required. If you do choose to tip, please note we can not accept cash.

Do you offer gift cards?

Please contact us to inquire about gift cards.

Is there parking on-site?

Due to limited parking, we ask everyone to ride-share to our shop. If you do need to drive we do offer parking across the street from our building at 1338 Lewis St, Nashville, TN 37210. The building is brown with a gravel lot. There is a sign that says Furryland.

Is parking free?

Yes, we offer free off-site parking across the street at 1338 Lewis St, Nashville, TN 37210.

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    Let's Talk About Your Upcoming Event!

    Honky Tonk Party Shop is located in the "Depot Bar" but we can also come to you, and work with clients from all over the Middle Tennessee area.

    If you're ready to book your event, click here.

    If you've got questions, we've got answers! Fill out the form below and we'll be in touch.

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